- Emperor's College - https://www.emperors.edu -

Student Life

A life changing process
When you enter the masters program at Emperor’s College your life starts to change in new and unexpected ways. You start to view the world around you differently. Suddenly you are evaluating the yin and yang qualities of everyday sights, sounds and experiences. You find yourself asking your friends and loved ones if you can study their pulse and tongue. You begin to wonder if your cat or dog would ever lie still for an acupuncture treatment.


Like-minded healers
A comprehensive and well-rounded academic curriculum is not the only reasons to pursue your future in acupuncture and Oriental medicine at Emperor’s College. A community of dedicated, supportive and like-minded healers is one of the hallmarks of our campus and has been for nearly 30 years. Life long friendships begin at Emperor’s, and these relationships lead to a robust professional referral network as well as business partnerships. It is this sense of community that makes Emperor’s College one of the top schools of choice in the nation for a masters or doctoral degree in acupuncture and Oriental medicine.


Leaders, not followers
Emperor’s students are leaders in the field of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Their focus is on the future of healthcare as much as it is in the ancient teachings of the medicine. Students are encouraged to think beyond a single school of thought within TCM and work to integrate a variety of perspectives and medical models during their education to give them the advantage they need to succeed in their clinical practice.


Involved on and off campus
Emperor’s students are continually involved in efforts that advance the acceptance and use of AOM through their participation in outreach and advocacy events. They partner with faculty to bring their passion for natural health into the community by forming non-profit organizations such as One World Health Project and they strive to make Emperor’s College the best it can be through Student Council initiatives and quarterly Town Hall meetings.