A Message from President Yun Kim About the Tragic Events in Charlottesville

Dear Emperor’s College Community, As we complete the summer quarter and approach a new academic year, filled with hope and excitement, we are also shocked and saddened by the reprehensible actions of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12th. Our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Heather Heyer, and our heart goes out to all those who were injured. Emperor’s College condemns racism, violence, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and all expressions of hatred. As a community, Emperor’s College reaffirms our commitment to one another and to keep our campus a harmonious and supportive place. We are dedicated to creating a campus culture that values inclusion, equity, and social justice. The work that we do at Emperor’s College—cultivating brilliant healers, opening minds and hearts, and promoting healing and health in the world—is deeply important. The way to defeat abhorrent ideas is with other ideas grounded in peace and love. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” We will continue to be a place where we cultivate compassion and empathy, and we will use what we are learning here to make the world a better place. Sincerly, Yun Kim, EdD President, Emperor’s College

EC Featured in Acupuncture Today

The Emperor’s College externship at Being Alive was featured in the June issue of Acupuncture Today. Written by DAOM candidate Jad Dawson and DAOM alum Craig Swogger, the article focused on the indispensable benefits of Being Alive to the Los Angeles community of people living with HIV/AIDS and the important role Emperor’s College plays at the West Hollywood nonprofit. The article is available at: http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=33337 To learn more about all the Emperor’s College externships, including at Being Alive, visit: http://www.emperors.edu/masters-program/acupuncture-school-program-overview/clinical-externships/

EC at the 2017 Run For Hope

  Emperor’s College students and alum were honored to be invited to provide treatments to the participants of the 2017 Run For Hope participants. 1,700 individuals participated in the event, walking or running, in memory of someone close to them who died. The 5K event was a fundraiser for OUR HOUSE, a nonprofit support center that provides grief support services, education, resources, and hope. Since 1993, OUR HOUSE has helped thousands of grieving children, teens, and adults as they embark upon their journeys to hope and healing. Thank you to OUR HOUSE for inviting us to the event and share the benefits of acupuncture and Oriental medicine to people in the grieving process. For more information about OUR HOUSE visit http://www.ourhouse-grief.org/  

EC at the 2017 Women Veterans Wellness Summit

Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine interns and alumni treated dozens of women military vets at the 2017 Women Veterans Wellness Summit held March 24th in Los Angeles. Emperor’s College was the only school of acupuncture and Oriental medicine invited to create and operate clinics at the event and is honored to have been selected to be of service to the amazing women that attended. The event was dedicated to the health and wellness of women veterans and featured keynote speakers Kitty and Michael Dukakis. To learn about opportunities for veterans to receive free and low cost acupuncture treatments in the Emperor’s College community acupuncture clinic visit www.emperors.edu/military-vets/ Emperor’s College is committed to serving the veterans community of Los Angeles and is the leading acupuncture and Oriental medicine service provider to military vets in the United States. For more information about the college’s veterans clinic, educational and community initiatives, please contact the Emperor’s College Office of Veterans Relations at 310.453.8300 ext.115.

In Memory of Ray Rubio

Esteemed Emperor’s College DAOM Alum, Raymond E. Rubio, DAOM, LAc, FABORM, a pioneer in the field of integrative medical fertility treatment, died on March 4, 2017 at the age of 55 following a battle with pancreatic cancer. Until shortly before his death, Dr. Rubio served as the Executive Director of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), the certification organization he founded in 2007, and continued to fulfill his role as Chair of the Reproductive Medicine Department, and related doctoral program, at Los Angeles-based Yo San University.  Dr. Rubio also ran a private practice in Westlake Village, California. Over the course of two decades passionately practicing Chinese medicine, Ray emerged as a leader in the treatment of male and female reproductive disorders.  According to Katherine Alexander Anderson, current President of ABORM, , “Ray truly was a visionary. He conceived a way to provide better care for fertility patients and became a formative advocate for them, as well as practitioners worldwide, through both his direct teaching and the reaches of the ABORM board.  He was a mentor to so many in our field.It is amazing how one man spread so much awareness”.    As with many innovative visionaries, Dr. Rubio’s efforts to create board certification for Chinese medical practitioners in the field of reproductive medicine was initially met with resistance. But his tenacity in elevating education, training, and overall standards for acupuncturists in this niche paid off.  Dr. Rubio led the successful effort to establish a fellowship program that merged the biomedical science of reproduction with the principles of Chinese medicine, and a standardized examination was created and first administered in 2008.  Today, ABORM certification represents the highest standard for Chinese medical infertility practitioners. Born Ramón Ernesto Rubio on February 21, 1962, in Riverside California, Ray spent most of the next 12 years in foster care before being permanently placed with his aunt, Nancy Lowry, in Santa Ana, CA. Ray graduated college from UCLA in 1987, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Following graduation, he became a trainee

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Emperor’s College Grads Post Highest 2016 CALE pass rate

88.6% of Emperor’s College grads that took the California Acupuncture License Exam for the first time in 2016 passed, the highest pass rate of any college in the United States represented by more than five students. A total of 557 people from around the U.S. took the exam for the first time in 2016, 406 of whom passed, for a 72.9% pass rate. The next bi-annual exam will be held March 21, 2017 in Ontario, CA . “We are extremely pleased by our graduates results at this year’s licensing exams. The CALE is universally regarded as the most challenging licensing exam in the country and that our grads had the highest pass rate among the colleges that sent more than a handful of graduates to the March and August exams is testimony to the dedicated work of the students and the efforts at the college to continually improve and create the best learning experience possible for the students,” Dr. Gretchen Badami, Associate Dean of the Master’s Program at Emperor’s College, said. The full list of pass rates by college can be found on the California Acupuncture Board website at http://www.acupuncture.ca.gov/students/exam_statistics.shtml 2016 pass rates of major Southern California AOM colleges Emperor’s College 88.6% Pacific College of Oriental Medicine-San Diego 85% Yo San 80% Southern California University of Heath Sciences 69.6 Alhambra 68.8 Dongguk 63.4 South Baylo 61.2