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(310) 469-1615

#1 in California
Top 2 in the nation!

MAHM Transfer Students


It is not uncommon for a student to start at another traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) school to then realize they missed a great opportunity with Emperor’s College. It is never too late to experience what you’ve been missing, because the Admissions Department at Emperor’s is expert in handling all kinds of transfer credit situations. Whether you have just begun your studies or are a mere year away from graduating from another California acupuncture board approved program, or interested in transferring from a non-California acupuncture board approved school, or certified out of state and seeking California licensure we have the answers to your questions and are willing to help you get the most out of your previous training.

We can also assist those who are Western health care providers, such as physicians, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and chiropractors, significantly maximize their credentials so they can enjoy an accelerated masters program in acupuncture and medicine.

If you are interested in receiving a complete transfer credit evaluation, which will show you your progress in Emperor’s College curriculum, prior to applying we are happy to assist you.

To get started, contact the Admissions Department at 310-469-1615 and we will walk you through the steps of transfer credit evaluation.


Apply as a Transfer Student

Transfer students are expected to follow the same admissions and application processes as non-transfer students.


International Transfer Students

Emperor’s College may accept units of study completed at foreign acupuncture colleges that do not have status with the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine(ACAHM). Such transfer students must meet the current requirements in effect.

Transcripts from foreign countries must be translated into English and evaluated by an academic credential evaluation service.


Transfer Credit Policies and Procedures

  • Official academic transcripts, submitted directly to the Admissions Department, from all colleges or universities where transfer credit is requested.
  • All transferable coursework must have been completed within 5 years prior to admission (with the exception of current employment in a field relevant to the course).
  • All transferable coursework must have received a grade of “B-” or above.
  • Any coursework which is counted towards the minimum 60-unit requirement for admission is ineligible for transfer credit.
  • Transferable courses must have the same content as Emperor’s College courses for which transfer credit is being applied. The evaluator will determine if this is the case.
  • All Emperor’s course requirements must be completed at Emperor’s College, unless specific transfer credit for coursework completed prior to matriculation has been granted. Once a student is enrolled at the college, all required classes must be taken at Emperor’s College.
  • Up to 100% transfer credit may be granted for Emperor’s College courses in basic sciences and Western clinical sciences from ACAHM or a regionally accredited programs.
  • Credit may be transferred for up to a total 50% of Emperor’s College requirements in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Clinic categories from ACAHM-accredited programs. Of that 50%, credit may be transferred for up to 25% of Emperor´s College requirements in Clinical training.
  • Regardless of the conditions cited above, all students must complete a minimum of 112 didactic units and 750 clinical hours in no less than one year (4 quarters) in residence to graduate from Emperor´s College.
  • Upon matriculation and completion of the transfer credit process, a $100 Transfer Credit Processing fee will be applied to the student ledger.

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